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Mbrothers roX~!

Sunday, February 26, 2006


Finally i am back.
i apologise for my long delay due to me checking out the prerequsites for joining NYP. i heard its a cool place there where people do films with their handphones!!! so should i not graduate to uni i can head there and be a star in 10- min long videos.
then u guys can support me by buying t-shirts cups and other memerobilia named after me.

anyway enough bout that already i shall go on to something else. since last time we blogged and got our selves a few New friends, i think its better to mock something else.

anyway i read with great amusement that malaysia seems to be building a new causeway to replace the old one . the funny thing is they never really did informed Sngapore about it.
And they said that it would be one ' scenic half-bridge'!!!!!!
how can a bridge be scenic when its half????
wait a min, how can it even be a bridge when its half????
Kars kant fly kant swim u noe unless they can james bond or something la.
i dun understand sia. maybe politics is like that, its not meant to be understood.just like chemistry.

to the local news, i read this article which featured old ACSI boys working in the singapore sports council.
it wrote:
RI boys may rule the country, but ACSI boys own it.

FUCK U!!!!
we VS boys pay our taxes too u bitch!!!!

just because their school not some funny funny motto means good leh. our nil sine labore is obviously better. we even live by the opp of it . labore nil sine
we labor without hard work k, much smarter than them...

but really if RI boys rule the country and ACSI boys own it then what do we VS boys do????

oh i noe.
we SLACK in it. labore nil sine u see.

GET thaTT RIGHT.maybe i should study really hard and be a journalist.then i can publish biase remarks. maybe the moron brothers should all become journalist. then with elGAY as the chief editor of the newspaper we can call it-- ' The Straight Times'

but its kinda of unfair leh. what bout catholic high and chines high boys????
i think maybe they just sit down there and peitition and protest against the RI ENGLISH rule or something.

monfort how???


they just play badminton la.

see ya soon.

p.s this entry solely trys to invoke laughter only. if u do not find it amusing just laugh off at my feeble attempt.take care then.


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