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Mbrothers roX~!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


well it has been ages people type stuff into this blog, much less gossip. anyway to start the ball rolling go visit colinandkero.blogspot.com for insights into girlish gay life.but a note of concern pl do have ur meal before that lest u lose ur appetite. the blog is about two lesbianish gay(pardon the pun) who blog about their daily life. one of them supposely works in a bubble tea shop in jurong point so please do VISIT him.i mean, i am fine with gays and stuff but FARK! gays dun take neoprint and sing k box together for heavens sake. heck, they start and end every sentence with dear.Thats like so sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet .

'mUAckS mUacKs :) :)'

FArK them.

anyway back track a little i have yet to thank all for the birthday wishes and present, my class who presented me with a 40D ( waaaaa!) BLUSH! bra and many many sweets and moron brothers and ken for the physics thingie.

which means shit. i am 18.
i can smoke drink drive and make babies. and of course i have to protect my country.
but yet i cant watch RA movies. i am sure that makes lotsa sense.
dun worry, i believe i will be watching alot while i am protecting the country anyway.
and they will be like better and free versions. haha.

JC sucks. really. thats like the gazillionth time it is said. it sucks the life out of everyone making us faceless zombies with no energy. thankfully i got people around me who still radiate some sparks out like the boys and my class! i think my class is the only one that everyone possess a sense of humor save for very very few. and the girls bitch like the boys bitch like the girls!
so yeah, its cool. we should make pri school 2 years sec skool 6 years and jc 4 years. that would rock really, in terms of the friendship gained and stuff. heck i dun even remember all my pri six classmates anymore la!!!
maybe thats just me. which also probably explains why i keep failing chemistry.\

six months more before we take the all so mighty A levels. before that we have a huge stumbling block.

no its not the midyears.

its world cup.

to share a quote from my class to our dearest econs teacher who urged us to sttudy hard for the mid years during the june hols.
" U can take the A levels everyyear, should u fail, BUT u only can watch the world cup ONCE every four years."

YesSsa!!! thats the spirit!!!!

P.S i learnt the hard way :if u kana dirty red thing onto face = pimples! haha



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