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Mbrothers roX~!

Friday, March 24, 2006


actually i am not sure the spelling for cacophony but anyway never mind. well anyway theres lotsa things that happened in schooll recently. block test for one is something we all wanna forget( except alvin). it seems like the dream of moron brothers to receive our a level cert from miss lai next year is a tad too hard to acheive. but maybe still can get( if there is) best improvement award la), from OFF to OED or something.

anyway the new batch is in and it seems like the process of puttin the freshies into uniform somewhat destroyed the abilities of the moron brothers to do talent scouting in the canteen. damn!

on a different note, sargas won the 2nd orientation campfire and overall. i wasnt there when it happened and i sort of felt a twinge of regret for not staying back to watch the performance. but nevertheless their OHL is one of my freshie and i am quite proud of that! he had sent an sms to us to thank all the ogls for the inspiration we had on him and i sort of wondered what did i really contributed to sargas! maybe the oreos and yupi gummy bears i bought did the trick! overall i am super thankful that the og i got was entu and they are quite bonded now. thats probabiy the best sastifaction one could get!

life in jc suck big time. so much that we had two recent sucide cases and god knows how many that happened in the past. luckily being obnoxiously happy people i never had that kind of tendency. besides it would kind of suck if u die and haven had or did so many things. if any of u do have such feelings pl do read this blog more often. u will realise u are not the only crazy people on this earth then. should that not work u should definetely consult elton on the secret of happiness in life- kechoking. this addiction will definetely change ur life.

well, at least it changed his.

always look on the bright side of life,

on a side note being a slow retard i only just realise that friendster have this photo grabbing function!!! while i have not grabbed any photo yet this is quite actually quite cool! it allows u to do new things like defacement and idolisation. wahaha.

take care then.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

8:10 AM  

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