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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

the gods must be crazy.

well it seems like the world have really gone crazy. in taiwan there are political chaos, in iran theres this nuclear crisis, in north korea the kim jung whatever croonies refuse to stop threatening to blow the world up and even right here in the eastern part of singapore theres a big problem called the mid year exams.
just as well good riddance to it, the mye finally over. i think i just might fair a bit better than last time for there is no way to deprove anyway. but really, the world really seems to be a terrible place to live in now, dont u think? haha pretty girls are gettin as seldom as my As while gayism is become increasing rampant.
all this shit can only be credited to one person though.that is women. or woman rather. let me explain this very very interesting theory i came up while daydreaming during maths. long long time ago, way before there was anything on earth, there used to be two people living in a garden of eden somewhere someplace. those two people were adam and eve and eve was said to be created from ribs of adam by god. but anyway those two people stayed in the garden for many many time happily naked for they were very much pure people with no brains. god had told eve before that there is this fruit of knowledge that they should not eat for its potent and dangerous.
and being woman, eve just had to eat that damn fruit. can u imagine if she didnt?????!!!!!
there wouldnt be nuclear weapons anymore. THERE WOULDNT BE CHEMISTRY AND MATHEMATICS. how beautiful the world would be!we just have to sing dance and screw around day and night. i wouldnt mind. damn! why cant i just be the first man aka adam. i wouldnt mind having a few more ribs taken out from me to make more eve. ( but they musnt look the same.)

sadly, it was not meant to be.i probably end up failing chemistry.its all eve fault. damn.i hope if i be good and sweet and nice god would put me in such a garden when i die. as a bonus maybe a can get to choose eve too. i swear i wont try to taste the fruit of knowledge. afterall its obviously disgusting.

if everything i said does not make sense, its normal. i guess u had too much of the fruit of knowledge. if u relak one corner for about 1month, i am sure u will end up like this.

get some rest anyway. congrats.
u survived the midyears.

good night!



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