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Mbrothers roX~!

Friday, December 16, 2005

the week.

Moppy was at the chalet with the morons on tueasday and wednesday. (damn u idiots free one never come earlier!)
but anyway i had a great amount of fun there especially at night when we were at the bapok land of changi.
the she-males man there are really erm stunning! i swear! we never see such a consolidation of such really good looking people before. i think we just found a new place to go when we grow old.
the list goes like this:
1) the arcade at lucky plaza to play the jacpot machine that devors all our money
2) go geylang and see chicks
3) changi village see even hotter chicks
4) and of course how could we forget, go to church with the chicks from 2 and 3.

but anyway back at the chalet after losing lotsa blood(thru the nose) at changi village, we were back at the room and started talking about erm-- dreams! dun ask why it started but yeah we were trying to find out the best way to get optimun sleep when elgay gave this own personal method of attaining 'good sleep'.
" just wake up at 6 and when, later than sleep again confirm get dream sleep." (go figure, but it will work since this coming from our shake king)
that really ended our conversation until elgay started to semi dream talk again.
but for the sake of maintaining healthly relationships, i shall not elaborate, aha.

elgay chalet the followiing day was more fierce as it was packed with non stop fighting action((literally)
the only correct thing there was was having lim yun there! i think he really could own this blog if he wanted to. we never seen a person acculumatiing so much gossips of all schools!

aiya the end result all led to one thing.- No money left!
shit. if u all suddenly feel rich or something, please give Moppy our friendly lifeguard a call.
ur efforts real be greatly appreaciated.

good night.


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