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Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Gay guitar teacher and suay sentosa trip

went for my first guitar lesson with flabby and a few of my 6k friends, elroy, elwin, lynne and waraphorn. the teacher was probably the gayest person ive seen. steven tan. he was hiding among the students pretending to be a student himself, trying to eavesdrop on comments from students. when he introduced himself at the start of the lesson, he was rubbing his thighs.. VIGOUROUSLY.. damn distracting and disgusting.. his pants were super duper tight.. wayway worse than my ex pants(mine wasnt tt bad anyway).. his actions were so gay to such an extend tt i cant find words to express.. anyway nows the finale of the gay guitar teacher.. he was asking, "anybody still need to tune ur guitar?" TWISTING HIS NIPPLES!!! that simply sums up how gay he is..

went to sentosa with 05S202 on tues.. became victims of one of the best koping organisations ive ever seen.. we left our bags and stuff at a hut and went to play volleyball abt 15 metres away... the bags were in our sight but somehow got carried away.. in a space of 15mins.. our bags were ransacked and geok and houying's phone was gone.. ken's camara and 70 bucks from his wallet went missing too... those buggers had time to scan the wallet and just take the cash.. he had the leisure of choosing wad he was stealing.. its seems tt elton's old hp and 2 bucks in the wallet was too low class to steal.. i had to managed to escape from the calamity though.. my bag was untouched.. wad baffles me is how good these theives are nowadays. they probably followed and watched us for quite some time and struck when the iron was hot.. one guy to screen us.. another to watch out for the beach patrol and a few others to kop stuff. the sentosa rangers told us such cases happen abt 4 times a week.. quite dumb ah.. why dun they patrol more often sia.. or maybe set up a bait to nab those fools.. cant stand it.. feel like canoeing over him with my bloodly sampan..

my condolences to geok and houyings handphones as well as ken's camara and 70 bucks..

a note to anyone going to sentosa's silso beach: pls take care of ur valuables.



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