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Saturday, November 26, 2005

moppy goes church.

moppy friend figured out that moppy could use some religion on his sad life and thus invited him to church. the enticement of free pizza and games succeeded in pulling him to this church in katong shoppin centre( which was pretty cool). and so moppy met many new friends while playing games like goosball( why is pronounced as foosball huh when it is g-o-o-s) anyway after the games the sermon started and honestly moppy was feeling very sleepy for he never got much sleep last night. and so while praying moppy.....
but anyway the speaker for today came from australia from kushima or sth( dunno how to pronoune) and he was like asking the people to break out of all their restriction and stuff like that.
which was very useful if siew eng was there , maybe she can relak for a while with poor moppy allowance.
and so while moppy was there he actually made good his time by thinking bout things in the world now and so he realised this year definitely is not a good year for anyone.
there was lots of speculation that the end of the world is coming. damn
moppy dun wan to die yet. moppy got lotsa of thing to do.
1) spend savings first and help flabby spend his( tis more important)
2) fix his hair
3) grow taller
4) learn majong( so i can read the bloody numbers u idiots can put digits)and a thousand more things

but than then again if going to die hair nice also useless la. unless go heaven the time they judge hair. like that elgay how???
but never mind elgay say he wanting to turn to muslim so never mind. wahah.
which reminds me of yeaterday when me squeeshy flabby ate with the squashy people. scar face was like educating us on religion and like where would we go when we die and stuff. like if u follow god u will go to heaven and stuff.
but really if u dont go church means u dun folllow god??
i dont think so sia.u can still believe in him while at home right. as long we live proper to our own expectations right.hehe
or maybe thats just an excuse. haha.
okok tired already, time to sleep. tink , moppy babbled too much already. go and be good boy and girls.
and dun steal like that see u hopefully in heaven then.

but if i dont, i didnt really wanted to take so much money u know......




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