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remember to TAG and leave ur name. =)

Mbrothers roX~!

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


By a stroke of sheer luck, elgay thinks he has stumbled upon e author of the f-sis. and surprisingly, its not even one of the pple we initially had in mind.(pink panther theme..haha)......and since we have realised that something wad we write actually could affect some pple SO much.......especially somebody we don't even know or have not bothered bout....we have decided to remove that post if it will make anybody feel any better

ps:that below quote onli refers to fishballs...LOL



"i like the fishballs, damn big and bouncy. thats how i like all my balls." -elgay

Courtesy of the M. Brothers

Saturday, January 28, 2006

world peace.

apparantly some of our over zealous fans have started a blog to honour the contributions we have made to society. wow!!! i must say i am certainly impressed!!! like us they are as proficient in swear words as ours in gossips!!! i was thinking...if dharma arm big no balls then my arm small got lotsa balls la!!!!

but no leh , last time i check i only got two!!!! how??? can tell me why??? i mean since u guys got nothing to blog bout blog bout this la!!! but anyway u guys should relax la, if u kind of need friends visit
www.friendster.com ( accounts free, f-sisters login should be quite unique so yeah .no worries confirm can get account!!!)
dun worry we linked u so see ya soon. personally i am super amused and perturbed by ur posts for we dun remember offending anyone in any way.ur postings, on the other hand, left a tremendous and deep psychological scar on all . as such we realise that being ourselves wasnt really the best way to get friends. we seriously hope that somewhere in the near future u will come to love us as we love u.
with lotsa lotsa love

where is the love?

Wa...now we got hate club.macham U.S highschool bitch-fest catfight. visit f-sisters.blogspot.com for more info.THIS SHOWS MBROTHERS IS HEADING IN E RIGHT DIRECTION FOR SUPERSTARDOM.Cos every celeb has their critic!yup yup u cant be a superstar without haters.so looks like f-sisters has helped us step a level... haha.Hey hey hey....where is the love man? y the flaming and the all e hate ?lol... elgay is a peace-loving guy you know? Den u say canoeing arm big nvr say my arm big i quite sad too....and why must you bring up the matter bout being gay? i have enough problems as it is now with that stupid stigma,if u dun believe i am not gay u leave me one night with ur mom or sister den nex morning find out k?LOL.hey.....Are you all really girls? or guys faking as girls? cos lesbians are hot in their own unique way.... you should intro urselves to us.well whoever you all are, u seem quite lonely and sad, so much angst, if you need some friends, the mbrothers can always help you find some.Well...just wanna let you know that ur appearence has amused and excited the mbrothers greatly and generated alot of interest for the tabloid so we would like to thank you for that in that aspect.your comments bout us while negative are however highly amusing and comical so we find no point in bothering to take offense with a person who either has not or dare not reveal himself.Cheers!hope that there can be some lovin~~!!


Another Milestone Record

2500 viewer Milestone.

Here, The Moron Brothers would AGAIN like to thank:
1. everyone for their continual support for visiting our page.
2. those who've been refreshing their browser non-stop to bring up our viewer rate.
3. and of cos, ourselves! Also for refreshing our browser non-stop, when making amendments to make sure the site is presentable.

Once again, thank you pple...


Friday, January 27, 2006

The power of blogs

Blogs have evolved from personal diaries to information super highways. a good analogy to describe the world of blogs would be the open sea.. where people play battleships.. trying to sink ships with scheming tactics and missles of explicit content. It is indeed amazing wad blogs can be used for in recent times. there i am sitting back not bothering to post anything and at the same time wondering my balls are(should be at my groin if im nt wrong) when a blog pops up and calls us a bunch of homosexual cats. how cool. and wads the greatest thing about blogs? we dun even know who these feline namers are.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

We're on a MISSION

The Moron Brothers will be having audition next week on wednesday. For what, it'll be a secret for the time being.

But for now, you guys out there can sponsore us with SUM luck. Thanks...

Oh yah. And we sincerely apologise to those whom The Moron Brothers have disturbed during common recess and break today in the canteen when we made elgay sing. (if ya call that singing) We're really sorrie for our wrong actions. Please forgive us.

And one last thing. Happy Lunar New Year to ALL. =)


Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Just another innocent kid

we were in the PE dept. Miss Choy was on the couch bouncing around, SUM nv seen before stunts from her. she was nice to us, maybe becoz we wanted to book the courts only and not there to ask for trouble, lyk irritating her?

then, this young fella came in.

"erm.. hello. May i borrow some balls to play?"
"Would you please specify?"

the next thing u realise: that kid broke a glass panel while having fun with his volleyBALL.


Sunday, January 15, 2006

The Victorian Tabloid

wow, it has been freaggin long since i have blog and its probably due to my acute lazycitis. anyway first things first we would all like to wish Mr dharma wank a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! hope u win at the nationals and ur comp to justify ur effort during ur crazy training.
Also congrats to elton who won some river raft race today!!! he got second in the under 60 category( where the raft must be below 60 kg). this is probably due to the tons of water he lost at east meadows, the residence of our best canoist in town. anyway no matter what congrats morons u all did well!!!

besides that i shall now talk bout the life in skool now and before. firstly i have changed class and its kinda of strange as its a whole new different atmosphere. firstly my class primary converse wif chinese one language i am not too famailiar with.( but given my past credentials, i am sure i can cope haha.)

my first day in school was super disgusting, i had to endure writing 400 times of ' i will be early for maths' by our maths teacher, who happens to be probably doulbe my size and weight. then mr. naresh furthur brighten my day by meomeorising my name and promise to call me during lecture. probably the only gratifaction is that during chem it is super slack and i am probably gonna fail chem if we continue this way!!!

but anyway yeah so thats bout my class. on a different note it shall comment on the super cool happenings around school.

1)confrontasi 2006 was a super cool event by organiser attica .its a event fought between two sides one all dark blue and the other side half dark blue. apparantly the first battle was won by the former and the second by the latter.the final showdown has yet to begin....

2) sky blue, snow white and jet ( yuehan note, its JET not JACK. we dun go for guys,my fren) black are probably the most happening things around. they can form the meridian sailormoon club. undoubtly jet black probably is da leader. dunno why ngiam say E4, E5 we where got E??? i tot she alhena??

3) new pairings are sighted in school and around towns while old ones seems to have broke off. i guess its normal la

i shall blog bout other stuff really soon including the return of queen armadila in star wars as she try to conquer the realms of guangDa and also my new chinese new year resolutions!!!!( since i forgotten to make my new year ones)

yet on a very different note, i would like to say my ex- class rocks and i hope everyone is doing fine and i hope that my new class gets more united cos we are now like rojak cos we are all from differnt classes!!!


Thank u!

I want to thank...
my manager and financial assitance, my father, for helping me leading into the last few days of comp.
my sister for helping me take photos.
my mother for refraining from nagging me.
my friends who turned up, althought u were late.
my coach for guiding and mentoring me
my gym buddies for pushing me and teaching me.pple like dex,clarence and all the rest,too many to mention.Gilbert for convincing me to load.Ibrahim for teaching me to shed the last 2 kgs,double H for encouraging me.
Anybody who i gave attitude or made sad leading to the comp, especially those close to me like my girl.
Those people who wasted ten minutes of their lives to help me cut down by pressing the treadmill...haha,Dharma,alvin and others i cannot remember at press time.those helped alot.
My body for not breaking down on me.

i could not have done it without help.Thank you! the countdown begins....3....2.....?


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Gangsters in MJC - Half Nailed

It was just like those drama serial you see on your television.

She was so apologetic, she asked for atiqah's no. from Tian Wei her OGL. And of course, he got to know the incident through the mouths of DHS girl's OGmates. And guess what...? It was reported to higher authorites.

BIG 5 and DHS girl have already settled their problem, but things were just too late. Elle and Bai were called up by Pancratius and got a hell lot of scolding. The other 3 members of BIG 5 were yet to be called up.

The Moron Brothers will check things out ASAP we promise, to satisfy your desire of red hot happenings in MJC.

Anyway, who is Snow White? And i've already noticed JACKblack since 1st day of school. haha. She was in E4 or E5 for 1st day of orientation. just normal...

AH NOR still the BEST AR~!


Friday, January 13, 2006

colour mania

sky blue,
jet black,
snow white,

and counting!
still more to come, proudly brought to you by


ps. love never dies.


Thursday, January 12, 2006

Gangsters in MJC

just because she wore your RGS uniform.

the BIG 5 - ati, bai, nao, chel and elle.

Konfrontasi 2006
BIG 5 confronted this poor DHS girl who was in RGS uniform in the college canteen at 1400hour today. with nao and elle at the side line, ati and bai bombarded her with countless questions. i'm sure she was terrified by OOI, their DA JIE DA. she was standing there and as usual, equipped with her ah lian face. tat poor girl surely pee-ed in her pants. i mean... skirt. yeah.

she was apologetic, they let her off.

no fight sia. =(

BASKET~!~! wat bout tat bloody DHS girl with the VICTORIAN tie???

proudly brought to you by,
sQueeshy =)

Monday, January 02, 2006

Welcome to 2006

happy new year to everyone, and more importantly, happy schooling!
