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Mbrothers roX~!

Saturday, December 31, 2005

damn damn damn

dear santa
with reference to wish 4, u freaggin lied to me again. just as well i shall be free of distractions next year. damn u.

on a happier note, its gonna to be a new year so yeah! we are so going to die studying.

good riddance!

Sunday, December 25, 2005


looks like moppy has also made some christmas wishes of his own, which include growing taller like how the hell is that gonna happen? HAHA :P since i've got nothing better to do on christmas, i think i should write a letter to santa too(better late than never huh).

Dear Santa,

i have never written a letter to you, but neither have i ever stopped believing in you. so please don't shatter my dreams okay? plus i've been a really good boy this year, i studied really really really REALLY hard, i didn't steal, i didn't shout, i didn't cry, and i didn't pout! so anyway, here are just some of my more important short-term wishes:

#1 : to pass chinese. just a d7 will do, as long as i won't have to go through the torture of learning chinese, ever again. note that this is at number 1.

#33 : get 3 A's for my A levels! shouldn't be too hard since according to caecilia i already know what i want in life.

#40 : RageFaction for ESWC CHAMPIONS!

#41 : and while you're at #40, might as well make us CPL CHAMPIONS as well since its only a few days away.

#47 : a few million singapore dollars. that would be enough to last me my whole life, at least until 2036..

#48 : stop the asteriod from hitting earth in 2036, if that was ever gonna happen. then i can make full use of that few million dollars.

#86 : a yellow lamborghini when i'm old enough to drive. or if that's too much i don't really mind a silver mazda rx-8.

#88 : fiona xie!

#89 : with reference to #88, her clothing can come in another package.

i'm so sorry i don't have a chimney at home, but you can try coming through the main door, it should be big enough for you to fit. i won't turn on the burglar alarm so don't worry! oh and don't make too much noise when you're here okay sow chee is a really light sleeper. Thank you santa! :)

Yours faithfully,
Alvin Lee

on another note, merry christmas & happy holidays to everyone from the moron brothers! enjoy! :)

- flaBBy

elgay is stuck in singapore

Oh yes i am.the fault is not anybody's and certainly not mine, my passport was found to be dead 7 hrs before my train ride.expired on august. hiaz so suay right? now i am so lonely...all alone in my house with onli my cat. i want to clear a few things up first.

1. i am not gay,if u think i am, i stay in ur parent's room for 1 night den we see k?

2.i do not use steriods although i do suffer breakouts which is a side effect, i do not believe i have reached my genetic limit yet.

3.i do not need 5-ply tissue, i have my handkerchief.

4.santa, pls do not waste good pens on me, give me something abit more practical such as money, i'm sure my kind and good friends will provide me with the pens next year.

not going has its good points and bad. bad cos i miss my elder cousin's wedding(duh) and everybody wanna see me cos i have not seen them since my bbing...i also wanna see them. its a good reason to junk and screw up my competition too.i miss the laksa the nasi lemak(the 1Rm packet one...with the catfish sambal...cannot find in spore...can soot 4 packets in 1 go tt kind),and everything else which is unhealthy, cos the unhealthier it is the nicer it is.LOL... ok jkjk.

the good part is that i now can conc on my perparation which has hit a wall the past few days.and i got no excuse to screw myself up.another good thing is tt i wont be making a person lonely on christmas.=)meow.i can oso go crazy during these 2 days!!! i am KING MAN WOO HOO. empty house is good for S-EX you know? hahahhahaha!


Saturday, December 24, 2005

mary christmas

there are many things that lead me to this entry. They namely are:
1)the whole world seems to be dying, with or without tsunami
2) a TODAY newspaper article said that the end of the world is 2036 where there is a possibility of a asteriod hitting earth( really .)
3) one blog during my bloghopping adventures inspired me
4) dharma's maid is mary and shes not around for christmas
5) it is CHRISTMAS.

so i decided to pen a letter to santa to help bring me out off this misery. so here goes:

dear santa,
eversince u did not give me my dream school for psle i had stopped believeing in u. it has been a rather uneventfull year for me. i had missed going to vjc and due to unforeseen circumstances i had to even take chinese for another year. just as well, er let bygones be bygones hehe.

phuck la santa, dun let us die too soon can. like 2036?? we only47 years old sia. work so hard then die cant even collect our CPF( ca phui funds) . so santa my first wish is for u to drop over at GOD's place roughly above 7.785 sky miles away and ask him to delay armaggedon can. remember, if we DIE, U DIE TOO. no more elfs for u to use.

for ur easily reference, attached here are bsome of my other minor christmas WISHES ,NEEDS AND HOPES. like for WISH 3) it says have a girl fren as pretty as zhang ziyi. under the needs
section NEED 4) if zhang ziyi cannot then claudia schfiffer also can.
before i forget, NEED4 *) she has to be no taller than 170 cm k. and if u flip the page again the HOPE4) would require her to have a distaste for wearing heels.

yup and the list goes on for pretty easy stuff to acomplish stuff like making me taller and bigger.
need 27) would be a chaffer driven rolls royce , preferably in black thank u.

and oh yeah need 88) is especially inportant, it is 3 As. THREE As. since u decided to skip my house last christmas it isnt 4 As anymore u asshole.

er wish 4) is especially important too ,its require next year batch of J1 to be a bumper harvest of all ' zhang ziyis and cecillia cheungs". and the guys must be around ur standard like short but cute, old but with CHRISTMA.

anyway remember to put on ur reading glasses when u read the rest of the list, my handwritting isnt verey nice and yup its ur fault for not coming on my 3rd christmas.

buts thats not all santa. what is christmas without gifts for everyone??!!!
so here are my gifts for my frens, if it isnt too much trouble pl deliver them too.

dharma, give him back his maid la. and also award him the gift to estimate size properly.

alvin, give him a----- UzaP!!! to be nice, include fiona xie in the PACKAGe.

elton, 5 ply kleenage tissues please. those 2 ply NTUC ones wont do. lotsa G2 and uniball pens and to be nice.,a life-size PussyCat Doll member of his own choice at his 'perusal'.

ngiam, the same gift as dharma but the opp. the one that shrink sizes? yup. and also his 1000 mountain bike. he needs a good bike to ride to tanah merah in 45 mins u noe. elton could use it too!

for the rest of my classmates at 05s204. well errrr just give them the girl of their dreams!!!!ronald included.

so yup santa thats bout all. if i missed out anything, u can check at www.the moronbrothers.blogspot.com

its gonna be a long day tomolo so go get some rest. see ya real soon.


with lotsa love and phuck u if u throw away my letter,


elgay is also dying...hahahaha!

wake up
weigh in
drink shake
eat meal 1
sleep 45min
wake up
eat meal 2
sleep 45min
wake up
eat meal 3
eat meal 4
go home
eat meal 5
kochoke....hahaha jkjk
eat meal 6 round 11 plus


knnccb....i think can quit sch sia dis kind of trng. lol lucky onli a while nia.den sum pple like my mother like to buy macdonald $2 double cheeseburger put on the dining table for dunno wad FUCK....den oso buy caramel elclair put beside the cabinet.tt night watch soccer cannot tahan whack the burger in 3 bites den next day never lose weight....basket, i oso human right, will be lead into temptation(some kinds more easily den others...hahahahaha).den got sum pple...hiaz dunno wad to say like to make cheesecake oso dunno for wad....make already NEVER MIND right?pple like to bake right? tts their own hobby wad.den bake already must tell me:" wa my cheesecake quite nice u know? can go restaurant and sell."(no not sharon one...tt cheesecake is for drinking....dun kill me).tell me NEVER MIND right? sticks and stones may break elgay's bones but words can never hurt his stomachright?NO~~~~ den must bring all the way to my house and eat infront of me....oso dunno for wad.make me go mad anyhow whack now the neck got one orbacut.so sad.

WHEN SCH REOPENS.......i swear i will onli have time for S-EX....WOOHOO....shiok! anybody want to be my S-EX partner? we can enjoy each other's company and help each other!

tudies and EXercise la u horny piece of SHEEET....wad u thinking...hahaha!elgay is pure and innocent.

ps: elgay is going to msia on dis sunday to attend christmas wedding on monday. yes i know marry on tsunami day v gam.will be back on tuesday afternoon.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

sQueeshy's dying soon...

Think these are the few times which i'm down, seriously down... i was merely askin for a sponsoreship.

I would, too, think it's demanding for an 18 yr old kid to ask a thousand from his parents. but all i need is about 4 hundred? since you already wanted to get me a new phone, i'm jus diverting the funds to my bike. i don't need a cool phone, my 6100 is workin perfectly for me.

maybe i was stupid to tell her the exact value of it. but i didnt wanna hide. FUCK.

the bike is a second hand. have nv seen that frame before, slick and majestic, i noe i can't miss this. think there's interested buyer, it may go anytime.

cycling has always been my interest, but my parents were never supportive of it. u all shld noe those farnie reasons they gave me, pple getting killed on the road becoz of crazy drivers yah dah yah dah...

i love two wheeling, LET ME BE!


Friday, December 16, 2005

the week.

Moppy was at the chalet with the morons on tueasday and wednesday. (damn u idiots free one never come earlier!)
but anyway i had a great amount of fun there especially at night when we were at the bapok land of changi.
the she-males man there are really erm stunning! i swear! we never see such a consolidation of such really good looking people before. i think we just found a new place to go when we grow old.
the list goes like this:
1) the arcade at lucky plaza to play the jacpot machine that devors all our money
2) go geylang and see chicks
3) changi village see even hotter chicks
4) and of course how could we forget, go to church with the chicks from 2 and 3.

but anyway back at the chalet after losing lotsa blood(thru the nose) at changi village, we were back at the room and started talking about erm-- dreams! dun ask why it started but yeah we were trying to find out the best way to get optimun sleep when elgay gave this own personal method of attaining 'good sleep'.
" just wake up at 6 and when, later than sleep again confirm get dream sleep." (go figure, but it will work since this coming from our shake king)
that really ended our conversation until elgay started to semi dream talk again.
but for the sake of maintaining healthly relationships, i shall not elaborate, aha.

elgay chalet the followiing day was more fierce as it was packed with non stop fighting action((literally)
the only correct thing there was was having lim yun there! i think he really could own this blog if he wanted to. we never seen a person acculumatiing so much gossips of all schools!

aiya the end result all led to one thing.- No money left!
shit. if u all suddenly feel rich or something, please give Moppy our friendly lifeguard a call.
ur efforts real be greatly appreaciated.

good night.

bapok land part 1

The irony in the whole trip was that we found out the chioest and hottest "ladies" are actually guys.anyway here is a timeline.

we first passed by a hotel before reaching bapok land.i think their business should be quite good. we then reached THE carpark. strategically located and constructed, it boasted a circular track for constant roundabouts for the indesicive horny bastard, it also featured walkways cutting through it for assholes like the mbrothers to walk through and ogle at them.As we entered bapok land, the natives were instantly recognisable.this is elgay's guide8 for the blur and blind

1. they stand still
2. they are at the circumference of the roundabout(*unless it rains)
3. they all bai pose,one feet pointing forward,the other 90 degree away(this sounds freakingly familiar...lol)
4.there are the words "plastic surgery" written on their face
5.they are all taller then me
6.they all have supermodel figures, not a SINGLE one is fat
7.they are either super chio, or super kanna sai
8.they dress up as if they don't

after walking a round, the mbrothers decided that food was more important and proceeded to eat the famous nasi lemak at changi village.i will now let moppy continue the story because i am juz too goddamn lazy


1000 viewer Milestone

1000 viewer Milestone.

Here, The Moron Brothers would like to thank:
1. everyone for their continual support for visiting our page.
2. those who've been refreshing their browser non-stop to bring up our viewer number.
3. and of cos, ourselves! Also for refreshing our browser non-stop, when making amendments to make sure the site is presentable.

Once again, thank you pple...


Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Mbrothers ADVENTURE - 13/14 December

As usual, all of us were late. us = flab, butt, el and squeesh, not siew eng and olumpas. Had a game of pool and yes, back to the room. EPL highlights, "cheebyes", "KNN", "FUCK" and stuff filled the room.

Just as we were about to leave the room after liverpool's win over mid, this farnie auntie appeared outside our room, no idea if she's about to knock on our door or wat, but this is wat she said. "erm... i would appreciate if u all can lower down ur volume cos it's quite clear for our room next door and we need some rest. i would realli appreciate that."

Mbrothers with one clear voice, yes this is our choice, "NO PROBLEM, SORRY AUNTIE~!" haha. sorrie my balls. who in the right frame of mind will come to a chalet and sleep? it's 11.15 onli man, get a life, AUNTIE.

we went to the lounge downstairs. cool, realli cool.. not the lounge but those pple inside it. apparently it's someone's bday and yah... party. old uncles and aunties singing and drinking. there's tis DJ there, pick a song and u'll be able to sing infront of the crowd. AS USUAL, being musically inclined, we decided to do leavin' on a jet plane. AND AS USUAL, being guys with no balls, *ahem*.

My Heart Will Go On. if i'm not wrong, she's a filipino. impressive... jus lyk using the ANG KU KUAY mould, another Celine Dion popped out in the room. conquering every single note in that song, especially those which are a million octave higher. and yes, When You Believe. Celine Dion tranformed into Mariah Carey, and with house singer Whitney Houston, this perfect partnership created a BOOM in the room. WHOO~~

Good apples, bad apples. we realised our singing ain't that bad after all, after a FEW other ah peks and ah mas did they're part it making some noise in the room. i reallli mean noise...

we went off and set on track to see BAPOK at changi village. moPPy's superb suggestion brought us to this junction, pitch dark... we can't see anything, realli.
elgay: wah lan bring us to this shit place!
moPPy: how i noe? morning i came with my dad, damn bright la.
mbrothers - moPPY: chee bye la, MORNING RITE???
walking back wasnt a choice, AS USUAL, being guys with no balls, we clinged on tight to one another, and proceeded step by step. everything went bright after these flight of stairs.

after some walk, we reached BAPOK land. =)

ps: dun think i can express myself well for this later part of the story. explicit content - M18. we shall leave it for our kochoke king, elGay to continue with our adventure. stay tune...

signing off,

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

moppy's chalet

let's recall what happened last friday...

buTTy: where you?
moPPy: reaching already, 15 more mins...
B: okay

15 mins later
B: where you?
M: reaching already, 15 more mins...
B: okay

yet ANOTHER 15 mins later...
B: where you sia?
M: errr reaching reaching 5 more mins...
B: okay faster la

5 mins later...
M: 5 MORE MINS!!!!
B: kkkk

either he has a problem estimating, or he has a problem estimating.

and let's recall what happened yesterday...

moPPy: you wanna come my chalet today?
flaBBy: huh how come suddenly got chalet?
M: dunno la got some free chalet at a club, wanna come anot?
F: the rest leh?
M: i call them already all of them coming
F: okok i go later

F: so who's there now?
M: i with my parents only, i couldn't get butty, then elgay and squeeshy can't make it today
F: okayyyyy... so you stay there alone ok.

WHO IS ALL OF THEM!?!?!?! han siew eng and olumpas only right.. hahahahaha!


Monday, December 12, 2005

sQueeshy and his Random Facts

Been sometime since i last contributed to this blog. Was away and yah dah yah dah...
Here are some interesting facts for everyone which i've came across:

1. The longest word in an Oxford Dictionary is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. And it's plural has the same lenght, pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconioses. (i typed these all out without refering, how bored can i be to memorise them?)

2. The 2nd longest word in an Oxford Dictionary is antidisestablishmenterianism.

3. There are 336 dimples on a golf ball!

4. 111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321

5. 'Steweardesses' is the longest word that is typed with onli the left hand.

There are tons of such nonsense, can't possibly put them all up here. =) i'll post more some other time. =)

signing off,

Friday, December 09, 2005

gays galore

there's something wrong with guys these days.

sometime last week, there was this thing going on in mrt toilets. there are 5 urinals in the mrt toilets, and while i'm peeing at the last one. some guy comes to the one beside me and starts looking over at my urinal. oh and it happened like 3 times during that week. wtf?

and just last sunday, there was that gay guitar teacher which butty talked about.

then today, was walking around in meridien hotel, and i walked past this guy who was wearing his shorts really low without underwear. so low that i could see like a bunch of his pubic hair sticking out. wtf!

what's singapore turning into? a gay hub?


Thursday, December 08, 2005

for obvious reasons

requested by butty


Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Gay guitar teacher and suay sentosa trip

went for my first guitar lesson with flabby and a few of my 6k friends, elroy, elwin, lynne and waraphorn. the teacher was probably the gayest person ive seen. steven tan. he was hiding among the students pretending to be a student himself, trying to eavesdrop on comments from students. when he introduced himself at the start of the lesson, he was rubbing his thighs.. VIGOUROUSLY.. damn distracting and disgusting.. his pants were super duper tight.. wayway worse than my ex pants(mine wasnt tt bad anyway).. his actions were so gay to such an extend tt i cant find words to express.. anyway nows the finale of the gay guitar teacher.. he was asking, "anybody still need to tune ur guitar?" TWISTING HIS NIPPLES!!! that simply sums up how gay he is..

went to sentosa with 05S202 on tues.. became victims of one of the best koping organisations ive ever seen.. we left our bags and stuff at a hut and went to play volleyball abt 15 metres away... the bags were in our sight but somehow got carried away.. in a space of 15mins.. our bags were ransacked and geok and houying's phone was gone.. ken's camara and 70 bucks from his wallet went missing too... those buggers had time to scan the wallet and just take the cash.. he had the leisure of choosing wad he was stealing.. its seems tt elton's old hp and 2 bucks in the wallet was too low class to steal.. i had to managed to escape from the calamity though.. my bag was untouched.. wad baffles me is how good these theives are nowadays. they probably followed and watched us for quite some time and struck when the iron was hot.. one guy to screen us.. another to watch out for the beach patrol and a few others to kop stuff. the sentosa rangers told us such cases happen abt 4 times a week.. quite dumb ah.. why dun they patrol more often sia.. or maybe set up a bait to nab those fools.. cant stand it.. feel like canoeing over him with my bloodly sampan..

my condolences to geok and houyings handphones as well as ken's camara and 70 bucks..

a note to anyone going to sentosa's silso beach: pls take care of ur valuables.


Monday, December 05, 2005

Chronicles of life ( and death)

well, it has been quite some time since the moron brothers met up to moronise so in order not endanger this blog to extinction,i shall er well... talk cock, which by the way is our favorite hobby.there seems to be a deficit( the hell i noe this word, taken from notle.blogspot.com/ i-am-so-gay.blogspot.com) of tabloids in our blog, this is chiefly due to the fact that it is the damn school holidays. never miind, stay tuned when school reopen.
i heard that the new batch of students will number to 675, well SHORT of the 1000 expected. as a result i now will have 16 pathetic souls in my og instead of 30. this is probably due to the fact that the school have freakin retained bout 325 or bout almost the whole damn school. i think the remaining 675 probably have the whole of vs or tkgs or something. those hopeless cases like US!!!( or in the words of notle , we,the pieces of SHEETS)whiuch equates to fun!!
but then again next year cannot play cos got A phuckin levels. shit.maybe if we dun do too well we can go do buiness or something, like sell seafood(yucky's idea) or form a band.
for seafood, elton can cook, dharma will be the beer boy and alvin be the pr manager. ngiam will er prepare the food. which will then leave me with the quality control. haha
or we can have a band( elgays idea) where ngiam sing, elton guitar, i keyboard, alvin drums and dharma dance! and when all u fools out there who want to celebrate u losing ur virginity or ur circumstism can call us.

or else we can start a bank! MBUB moron brothers united bank.er but we need flabby fabulous bank account first. then we can pay u idiots 0.3% interest while u pay us 20% in bank loan fees.
er, then again,we probably screw everything up. i think lets stick to studying forr the time being then.
anyway, thats FYMCB for u then. well i mean, flabby yucky moppy choky and butty wish all of u to have a good day ahead. see yaa.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

notle's newsflash summary

now for the summarise report for everybody's easy reading

1. some piece of sheet took away my music video. There will be consequences.

2.Moppy has officially converted from "a big mountainous plate of fried rice" to " a little JUST a little pasta" during buffets.

3.Butty's titanic post was too long so here is a summarised version. Butty banged shi min from e back. his whole head went in. he apologises and will take responsibility over the event.he also learnt never to put his head down again.
